The Associazione Nazionale Esercenti Cinema – Lazio regional section- ANEC supports the candidacy of Rome City of Film.
It's a non-profit, private law, union association, that includes all companies involved in the cinema exhibition.
Divided into 15 regional and inter-regional sections, it covers the whole Italian territory.
It was founded on January 31, 1947.
Its primary objectives are:
· to represent its associates nationally and internationally in their relationships with authorities, third parties, other business associations and freelance professionals, in all entrepreneurial matters.
· To protect the movie theaters interests and economic development, also by realising promotional initiatives.
· To provide assistance and advice to its associates in their specific field.
Its main objectives also include the promotion of film culture, and the training and requalification of those professionals working in cinema exhibition.
It's a founding member of Associazione Generale Italiana dello Spettacolo – AGIS. It's an active member of the Special Project “Schermi di qualità”, quality screens, promoted by the Ministry of Culture, that has reached its 8th edition in 2013. It co-founded CINETEL srl, for the collection of market figures, that, in 2009, led to the creation of Registro Impianti Digitali.
In Europe, its a founding member of UNIC, International Union of Cinemas, and it's a full member of MEDIA Salles, a project that operates within the framework of the European Union's MEDIA Programme, and of Europa Cinémas (thanks to around fifty of its associates), the international network of cinemas for the circulation of European Films.
Together with Agis, it founded FAVAP, Federazione Antipirateria Audiovisiva, federation against audiovisual piracy.