The Cinema Foundation for Rome (Fondazione Cinema per Roma) supports the Rome City of Film campaign.
Founded in 2007 by local government institutions Roma Capitale, the Lazio Region, the Province of Roma, the Rome and Lazio Chamber of Commerce and the Music Foundation for Rome, the Cinema Foundation promotes cinema and the audiovisual sector, as well being in charge of producing and organising the annual Rome Film Festival.
While the Festival is the largest and most time-consuming of the Foundation’s projects, it undertakes a number of other activities to support cinema culture and publicise it at every level, promoting local districts associated with cinema/the audiovisual and encouraging professional pathways for young people, all in order to endorse Rome’s vocation for cinema.
The New Cinema Network is a co-producers’ market which selects projects from all over the world every year, enabling producers and filmmakers to meet key players in the international film industry so as to develop projects together.
The Foundation organises the ‘Cinema at the MAXXI’ film cycle in collaboration with the museum: a programme composed of international previews, rediscovered classics, films for children and young people, as well as talks with directors, actors and screenwriters. A course on critical writing for cinema is also organised for those film fans who want to improve their understanding of film.
For many years the Foundation has brought cinema to marginalised parts of the city, by organising screenings and talks with international and Italian artists at cultural venues in the outskirts of Rome, in addition to working closely with the city’s network of municipal libraries in these areas.
Throughout the year it also organises talks and events in schools designed to introduce younger children to cinema culture, alongside workshops devoted to the realisation of short videos and clips on subjects they can respond to which may set young talents on the path to further training.
The creative ‘hub’ of the Foundation supports international independent cinema and the talents and industrial strengths of which it is constituted; it has 35 partners across the world and has collaborated with national and international institutions and organisations very successfully on a variety of promotional and cinematic initiatives.