University of Roma Tre supports the candidacy of Rome City of Film.
Founded in 1992, it's the “youngest” Roman university and has 40.000 students. It offers the widest and most articulate film program within the Roman University panorama, both for its faculty members and its students: it includes classes on film history, theory and criticism of cinema, Italian cinema, American cinema, film analysis, documentary, videoart, TV formats, direction, digital media, etc...and it also offers workshops on direction, editing, screenwriting and production. Since 2013 it's a member of the IMACS network – International Master in Audiovisual and Cinema Studies – that involves several foreign universities. From 2005 to 2010 it started Masters in the field. From 1998 to 2013 it offered Ph.Ds that have been, for many years, the only ones entirely dedicated to Film Studies in Italy. The CPA- Centro Produzioni Audiovisive is a laboratory created to make documentaries, research oriented and provided with professional equipment that allow the realisation of up to six professional productions at the same time. Since 2006 the Palladium Theater has held “Rome Tre Film Festival” and since 2014 there have been several events aimed at the promotion of film culture, such as “Ossigeno”, “Asiatica” and “Arcipelago” festivals, “Doppio sguardo” retrospective, conventions and meetings with directors and film screenings. “Imago. Studi di cinema e media” is a megazine about international studies founded in 2010 and created with the collaboration of La Sapienza University's professors. “Cinema e storia. Rivista di studi interdisciplinari”, operating since 2012, is directed by Paolo Mattera and Christian Uva. The Faculty book collection “Spettacolo e Comunicazione”, directed by Giorgio de Vincenti, was operative from 2002 to 2011. Now there are other book collections directed by different professors: “Immagini. In movimento”, “Zootropio”, “Cinema Espanso”, “Cinema”.