We are happy to inform that the 6th Busan Inter-City Film Festival will be held at the Busan Cinema Center from 2nd to 4th September 2022.
As it has been for the past years, we’re going to invite outstanding films from various cities around the world and show different cultural characteristics and diversity while strengthening our relationship and friendship.
Selected film will be screened once, and we kindly ask you to provide films for non-benefit regards to our aim to cooperate.
In this framework, we are calling for UNESCO Creative Cities of Film and the partner cities of the festival to submit films of your city, meeting the following instructions :
– The film should be filmed in Rome or filmed by a director from the city.
– All genres will be accepted. (Up to 40 minutes each film)
– Each city can submit up to 5 films.
– Films should be completed within the recent 2 years. (From Jan 2020 to present)
– Films must carry English subtitles.
– Submit still images of a film and photos of a director.
* They will be used for the official website, trailer, brochure.
– Please exclude the last year’s film festival screening works.
* The file format of a film should be MOV, MP4 or H264.
* The submission form, downloadable HERE (link al form)
The deadline for submission is May 15th
Please send your complete application via email to: intercityff@naver.com