“100 Seconds” is the title of the work winning the “Beep! Beep! Save the Earth!” contest. The drawing, created by the kid Malin Rudnick from Potsdam, will be used as the image of the Poster for the Busan International Kid & Youth Film Festival (BIKY), 15th edition, launched by Busan City of Film.
All drawings sent by the UNESCO Creative Cities of Film will be included in the BIKY official poster – 2020 edition – and will be exhibited during the Festival.
“Kid & Youth Film Festival” – BIKY
BIKY is the only international film festival for kids anf young people in Korea that hosts events such as Cinema Workshops, Films and Games, Drawing Competitions, Exhibitions and fiilm-themed Playgrounds, Video Games and Exhibitions for children and teenagers. Every year, Busan creates BIKI’s beautiful official poster by collecting drawings from children, who enhance it with their incredible imagination and wit. This year the UNESCO Cities of Film, including Rome, will be entitled to participate in the Contest by sending their drawings for the making of the BIKY Poster. For more information on BIKY: http://biky.or.kr/
The “Beep! Beep! Save the Earth!” Contest Prize
Busan City of Film will select a winner from among the drawings submitted by the UNESCO Creative Cities.
The winner will be awarded:
– 2 return tickets (1 for the winner, and 1 for the tutor and/or parent and/or teacher);
– Hotel accommodation for 2 people during their stay in Busan City of Film on the occasion of the BIKY Festival;
– BIKY ID Card and BIKY Package to participate in BIKY events.